In voorbereiding op het plan wordt voortdurend kennis en (praktische) ervaring opgedaan bij Gelderse kastelen.
In preparation, professional experience is being gained with projects at Guelre's Castles.
Design and construction of balustrade and stairs in farmhouse at Castle Doornenburg (Doornenburg, NL).

Creating of a manual for "Appropriate Decor", ("Document Passend Beeld") for The Doorneburg.
All kinds of small and large choices made, and materials/objects used during the years, filled the site with dissonant clutter. In 2014 the site of Castle Doornenburg first needed a cleanup then followed by written guidelines for daily handling of the heritage.
With Herman Bronkhorst, Bouwhistorische Commissie.
3D digital setup of Castle De Nijenbeek (near Voorst, NL) for a local Historical Society.